I discovered yoga in 2008 thanks to living next door to a yoga studio in London during my Biochemistry undergraduate studies at Imperial College. A monthly pass got me into the habit of going almost every day; and from there I developed a daily practice on my own at home or wherever I went.

By 2011, I knew I loved yoga enough to want to learn how to teach yoga to others, and so I travelled to Rishikesh, India, to complete a 200 hour RYT (registered yoga teacher) training. I have taught yoga online and in person in various forms ever since, but more importantly, maintain a constantly evolving personal yoga practice. 

My daily yoga practice is essential for me to maintain that connection with my body and to bring me back to myself, as well as allowing me to support my health and fitness levels and active lifestyle.

Lots of people ask me what style of yoga I teach. And I understand why it can be confusing, because the word yoga traditionally has a variety of meanings. In its modern, western sense, there have appeared an unlimited variety of styles and forms. 

My style is hatha yoga: a sequence of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) that varies from practice to practice.

The aim of yoga is to come back into the body and the present moment, through the breath and awareness of the physical body. It can be a great support to physical, mental and emotional well being and to treat physical pain and injury. It is a great self-care regimen used in concert with remedial massage.

I offer one to one yoga classes either in Morecambe or at your location, if you are based within the Lancaster area.

£40: 1 hour one to one yoga

£80: 1 hour yoga + 1 hour massage

To book or enquire, email: sixthelementtherapies.co.uk