Clinical / sports / remedial massage:

This is for anyone with an ongoing or acute pain or injury challenge they want to alleviate. It’s also ideal for athletes or those who are very active who want to maintain themselves in the best shape for top performance.

£50 per hour / £80 per 90 mins

Package of six treatments £270 (£30 saving)

Relaxation massage: Ideal for those who don’t have a specific injury or pain problem, but suffer from the occupational aches and pains of being a modern human: stress(acute or chronic), back ache, stiff neck and shoulders, headaches etc. And for those who just enjoy a massage at the best of times.

£50 per hour / £80 per 90 mins

Receive four massages and get your fifth free

Pregnancy and Post Partum massage: For pregnant women (at any point in pregnancy) and women who have recently given birth. I massage you in the side-lying position, which is the safest position in which to receive a massage while pregnant. I take your personal experience of pregnancy into consideration to give you a massage that’s just right for what you need and desire.

£50 per hour / £80 per 90 mins

Receive four massages and get your fifth free

Home visits for massage: If you live in or around Morecambe or Lancaster, I can come to your home. This will depend on how far you are and the suitability of your home in terms of access and room for setting up a massage table, although I will aim to be as flexible as possible in finding a solution that suits us both.

£70: 1 hour coaching

£110: 1 hour massage + 1 hour coaching 

I offer a free half hour introductory session for potential coaching clients for us to get to know eachother and see if we are a good fit to work together. To enquire and/or book, email:

Cacao Circles: For enquiries about pricing, based on how many people and where you’d like to do a cacao circle. Prices for a single person coming to my location in Morecambe is £30.

£60: Cacao + 1 hour massage

£80: Cacao + 1 hour coaching

£115: Cacao + 1 hour massage + 1 hour coaching

£40: 1 hour one to one yoga

£80: 1 hour yoga + 1 hour massage