Between 2020 and 2023, I lived in a community in the southern Peruvian Amazon. It was very enriching and also very difficult, but led me to start a cacao business: Jungle Cacao Peru.

Cacao is the tree that chocolate comes from, and cacao paste is chocolate in its pure and raw form. It is classed as a superfood and contains many, many beneficial compounds that support physical, mental, emotional and energetic health. 

It has also been used as a sacred plant – aren’t all planets sacred? – by the Mayans in central America. They used the cacao drink as part of rituals and even used cacao beans as currency, so valued it was.

Before I got to Peru, I didn’t eat any sort of cacao, or even chocolate. I decided to try cacao again when I got to Peru – and fell in love with it, creating a daily cacao ritual which I enjoy to this day. Thanks to the support of my ex-partner (who owns a cacao farm), I learned how to tend to a cacao farm and make cacao. Check out the Jungle Cacao Peru website for a detailed outline of the business, how it came to be and how it operates. Or you can download an information sheet here.

I offer bi-weekly cacao circles on zoom. The cacao circles are a casual and cosy get-together online to enjoy cacao, do a short meditation and share what’s going on for us in a welcoming and unpressured space. You can join one of these circles here.

If you’re in Morecambe or Lancaster, I also offer cacao circles in person for individuals or groups. These are held in Morecambe or a location specified by you.

What happens in a cacao circle?

The cacao circles I offer are very down to earth and simple: they are a space for us to come together and connect with ourselves and others in community more deeply – and of course, to connect with awareness and reverence with the beautiful medicine of cacao.

(I do not follow or pretend to follow a specific lineage, hence why I call these cacao circles and not cacao ceremonies).

We begin with a short, grounding meditation to bring us into the space and into ourselves.

Next, we connect with cacao in stillness and silence, setting any intentions if we so wish.

I then open up the space for us to share, or not share, whatever we would like to.

Depending on time and numbers in the group, I will put on a music mix and we can use this time and space however we feel: whether that’s to dance, journal, rest, draw, or whatever else. This is your time to be with cacao and yourself how you want to.

We close the space with another short meditation together.

You can also combine a coaching session or massage with cacao.

£60: Cacao + 1 hour massage

£80: Cacao + 1 hour coaching

For enquiries about pricing, based on how many people and where you’d like to do a cacao circle, email or use the contact form.

Prices for a single person coming to my location in Morecambe is £30.

How often should I get a massage?

This cacao is very different from all others I tried in my life. It has softer and deeper flavor and doesn’t give me “jitters”. I also use a lot less quantity-wise when I prepare a ceremonial cup. It is strong!
This cacao is literally like medicine for me. I’ve been using it for a long time and it’s been transformative. I drink cacao on my own and with friends and find it helps lift me and access creative energy. I buy from Caroline because of how much love and attention she gives to the process and I’ve loved watching her journey.