The climate of the world right now is exceptionally challenging: both personally and collectively. If you’re feeling frazzled, confused, burned out, exhausted, overwhelmed with intensity or simply don’t know who you are or what you’re doing in life anymore, you certainly are not alone. What you’re feeling is a pretty healthy response to the bizarre times we live in. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t seek support and find ways you can still thrive amid the chaos.

A great part of why coaching is so effective is simply having a space that’s 100% for you to be seen, heard and validated – not something we always receive, even from our personal relationships – in addition to the techniques used, diving into the things challenging you and being proactive (outside coaching) in supporting yourself in working towards the results you desire. 

I draw on talk therapy, tools from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT has been a key support for me in very challenging moments in my own life), astrology and my own extensive journey in self development and self exploration to offer guidance, listening and support for both your challenges and goals.

Areas of focus:

Body love issues:

We spend our whole life in our human body and often spend a good portion of that time at odds with it: either through not liking it, suffering from pain, discomfort or illness, or simply not feeling at home in our own skin.

Despite these experiences being highly normalised, I believe that it is our birthright to enjoy being in our bodies, whatever their form. While we might not be able to control our bodies – and nor should we – we can establish a relationship with our bodies that looks more like working in a loving team than in a constant struggle.

As a teenager, I struggled to love my body and drove myself to physical and mental illness through an eating disorder and addiction to exercise. The journey back to a healthy equilibrium and relationship with my body taught me a lot about how to love and be in balance with the body, and open myself to all the wisdom and joy it contains. 

If you are struggling with issues around how you relate to your body, this is something we can work on together in coaching. I take time to understand your specific situation and we design how the coaching works based on what your needs are and how you’d best like to be supported.

Sexuality and relationships:

Our sexuality is one of the most primal parts of being a human: it is literally the reason why we are here! And yet for many people, sexuality is still taboo. And if it’s not taboo, it is – like the relationship with the body – something they just don’t quite get. 

A healthy relationship with one’s sexual energy (which includes being aware of what makes you tick sexually and what your needs and desires are), I believe, is key to showing up fully and enjoying every aspect of one’s life. But when are we ever taught how to do this? Most of the messages we get about sex are confusing or taboo-ridden or give a very one-dimensional view of what sexuality is (porn, I am looking at you!). 

The same goes for relationships: they’re a core part of life, and yet no one really gets a proper education or good guidance on how to “do” relationships well. Friends are wonderful and helpful to support us through our relationship problems, but they won’t always look at your situation objectively, because they’re looking out for you (as they should). 

Coaching can support you with sexuality and relationship challenges, by giving you space to really get to know yourself within this area, identifying challenges for you in this specific area and devising a way to achieve the relationship with your sexuality you want or improving your personal relationships. I take time to understand your specific situation and we design how the coaching works based on what your needs are and how you’d best like to be supported.

Plant medicine integration:

Psychoactive plants and substances – when used in the right setting and with the right support – can offer us incredible experiences and gifts that alter our way of perceiving the world and ourselves. Sometimes this is just what we need to shift a behavioural pattern or emotional pattern that has been with us for a long time.

However, simply having the experiences and engaging with these plants and substances and not integrating them into our way of being and our lives isn’t enough if we desire something more than just a recreational experience. 

I offer support digesting past experiences you have had with plant or psychedelic medicine, so that you can extract the richest and most meaningful results from them and into your life and ongoing behaviour. 

I particularly recommend including massage into your psychedelic integration coaching session, if you are based near Morecambe, Lancashire. Very often, plant medicine and psychedelics take us out of the body, and so it is important to ground and come back to our bodies. Massage is an excellent way to do this.

Other areas of focus:

If you have a challenge that you don’t see covered here, please reach out to me and we can chat about what you’re facing and whether we’d be a good fit to work together.

I work over zoom or in-person in Morecambe, Lancashire.

£70 for an hour session

£110: 1 hour coaching + 1 hour massage

£80: 1 hour coaching + cacao

I offer a free half an hour introductory session for us to get to know eachother and see if we are a good fit to work together. To enquire and/or book, email:

Here are some of the things more coaching clients have said about working with me:

The way I look at my body in REVERENCE rather than repulsion, it’s been truly astonishing to me, a 36 year old who has spent my life truly loathing my body, my thighs, my tummy, my body hair, my stretch marks...
It’s not like any of these things have physically changed from our work together either. I didn’t start some crazy diet as a result, or work out 7 days a week.
I found a way to see myself AS I AM, without needing any changes. The changes came from the inside out.
After every call with her, I felt a deepening of my relationship to my body — that was comprised of body love, compassion and kindness always.
I will be forever grateful for the time I spent with her and will hold on to all the amazing tools and special practices I learned from her.
If you are on the fence about working with Caroline, I wish for you to gift yourself the incredible gift of love for the skin you’re in, by working with this beautiful soul.